50Y Belgian Society for Cell and Development Biology

2022-05-20 13:30 - 18:00
Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, Brussels
Pièce jointe

The Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology (BSCDB) turns 50 this year, and invites you for an academic session on Friday May 20th at 1.30pm in Brussels, the Palace of the Academies to celebrate along with us!


Our society has always been a vibrant one, dedicated to supporting young scientists in this field with travel awards and a prestigious PhD Excellence Award. The BSCDB society has also been highly active in building Belgian networks of researchers by organizing spring and autumn meetings every year.


We would be honored to welcome you to this academic event, to learn more about the history of the organization, and to witness the scientific and supportive spirit of our organization. You can find more practical information below.


We also have several 'eminences grises', like Frans Van Roy, Alexandra Belayew, Andre Goffinet, Henri Alexandre,.. joining


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Université de Namur    Université Catholique de Louvain    Université libre de Bruxelles    Université de Mons    Université de Liège

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